Are you earning LESS than you are WORTH?

by how much?

$5 dollars? $10 dollars and hour? or MORE?

Assume you are being paid $10 under your worth. How much does each hour you procrastinate on changing that cost you?

Is it just $10 dollars an hour? or is it more?
What I'd like you to do is assume its january 1st 2008 and you have been procrastinating for over 2 years now. What I ask you to do is plug that $10 into an investment calculator that back in januarry 2006 BEGAN COMPOUNDING your $10 dollar deposit at an interest rate of 5% a day every day for past 720 days. What would be in that account now? Is it fair to say that that is the cost of your procrastination?

No its not fair to say that. In fact it cost way more. That $10 dollars was really $80 dollars... because you worked 8 hours not just 1. So instead of $10 dollars plug in $80 dollars and run the calculation again. "Hmmm" I hear you say "Yes I see your point but still not much to get too excited about". That is true but is it fair to say that the cost of your procrastination was just $80 compounded since that day?

No its not fair to say that, In fact it cost you way more than that.
That was just for 1 day. The next day you would have missed out compounding an additional $80 dollars. The day after that another $80 dollars on top of that.

Notice how the cost of that one $10 procrastination cost you a lot more than just $10 dollars.

Now that was just one procrastination. Looking back over the past few days, few weeks, months how many little $1 dollar? $7 dollar? $5 dollar things have you 'put off'?

How much is procrastination really costing you on your 'getting paid' plan?

How much less are you earning than you are really worth?


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