5 STEPS to INCREASE value of your CERTS

5 STEPS you as a TECHNICIAN can take right NOW to INCREASE the VALUE of your CERTS

The truth of the matter is CERTS just get you in the game.. BUT now that you are in the game what differentiates YOU from all the other CERTS.. Why should a buyer buy your certs when s/he can get 100 more like you?

If you want to build a VENDING machine (and not a SLOT machine) as a model for your Contracting Business then

STEP 1 LOOK around your workplace.. NOTICE... FIND the Audience that BUYS you
How do your team mates buy you? How does your recruiter buy you? How does your end client buy you?

STEP 2 Approach, ASK, Communicate, UNcover THEIR frustrations
What frustrates your team mates? What frustrates your Team Lead? Think back on all past projects and notice how 'REOCCURRING' this is? What damage does it expose the project to?

STEP 3 COLLECT the best of breed solutions
Think back over past projects. Notice how it was solved on past projects? BECOME an INVESTOR in ISSUES and their solutions to overcome them

STEP 4 Approach, ASK, Communicate, find out IF its something they want solved and when?
Just because WE may see something as urgent does not mean it is.. Just because the buyer wants it does not mean they want it now.. so ALWAYS get clear with your buyer and save YOURSELF a lot of unnecessary suffering.

STEP 5 Offer to HELP them step through their BUYING decision to protect against making the wrong decision
This is the most important step. Just because your buyer is over the moon and WANTS your solution its BEST to HELP them step through THEIR decision to buy so it has maximum chance of being a fit with THEIR culture

Are you milking your Value to the max

Make hay while the sun shines... You will have made some hay during the last 'shine' but those who followed this advice and positioned themselves in their market correctly, honed their skills, communicated their value, maximised their charge out rate, reduced their level of debt, built a solid bank of cash, over the past five years will most certainly have milked their value better.

So with that in mind let me ask... to what extent are you milking your value to the max OR is the habit of leaving bags of money on the table NOT important?